Addiction Services

Harm Reduction Service

Harm Reduction involves a range of support services and strategies to enhance the knowledge, skills, resources, and supports available for individuals who face issues with drugs & alcohol misuse. The service is aimed at supporting individuals to live safer and healthier lives, through minimising the risk involved in drug or alcohol use. Particularly for those who are not able or willing to consider abstinence or engage in structured treatment.

Harm reduction provided has a far reaching impact on the lives of service users. The support provided can be a lifeline for service users and that much needed link between themselves and other services.

Support is available in the form of

· Advice and information on safer injecting

· Providing links with needle exchange programs

· Overdose Prevention

· Providing take home Naloxone

· Person centred support

· Facilitating support in areas such as housing, benefits & physical & mental health

· Providing advice and support accessing formal treatment

Our Harm Reduction service covers Limavady & Strabane and surrounding areas.

Referral Process & Eligibility Criteria

Harm Reduction referrals are made through NIHE/ other social housing providers, statutory and voluntary agencies, family members and self referrals and this should be done through our First Housing Floating Support Service.

A tailored support package will be provided in response to an assessment carried out by our Harm Reduction Worker, with the participation of the individual and other relevant agencies.

We can engage with individuals 18+, who are living within Limavady, Dungiven and the surrounding areas and these individuals are experiencing issues with drug and or alcohol misuse.

My harm reduction worker visits me and gives me moral support. She encouraged and supported me to link in with ATU and my community centre. She has supported me to seek medical support and to attend my G.P.
She is very caring, good listener and I would highly recommend the service to anyone who is in need

Harm Reduction participant